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Through which persuasion method the crowd may be controlled and satisfied? | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2022


A crowd is a temporary group that immediately collects at one place in the situation of an accident or protest or demonstration. The probability of this crowd becoming violent is always possible. Many times this crowd creates unnecessary situations of violence. Through which persuasion method the crowd may be controlled and satisfied? Explain.  (UPPSC 2022)


When a crowd gathers, especially in situations of accidents, protests, or demonstrations, there is always the potential for the crowd to turn violent, as emotions run high and tensions can escalate rapidly. In such a situation persuasion methods play an important role and can be used to control and satisfy the crowd, following are some of the persuasion methods that we can use-

Effective communication; It is important to inform the crowd about the situation and listen to their concerns. Therefore, loudspeakers can be used to communicate with the crowd. One should try to convince the people in the crowd by talking to them.

Peace proposal: A peace proposal is also an effective tool to resolve the situation peacefully. The leaders of the mob should be identified and requested to keep the mob calm and desist from violence.

Presence of Officials: Whenever a group or crowd gathers at a place, the local officials should be present at the earliest to handle the situation, in case the crowd feels that the official is sensitive towards us.

Sense of compassion; We should be compassionate towards their loss, and listen to complaints sincerely. The authorities and security forces should review this sensitively.

Warning of legal consequences; Make the crowd aware of the legal consequences of any violent behavior, this may help prevent them from behaving violently.


In conclusion, we can say that the crowd can be controlled and satisfied by using methods of persuasion like effective communication, compassion, peace offer, and warning of legal consequences.

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