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Even if he is not a member of either House of Parliament, who among the following can attend the meeting of both the Houses of Parliament?

Even if he is not a member of either House of Parliament, who among the following can attend the meeting of both the Houses of Parliament?

a) Solicitor General of India

b) Vice President of India

c) Comptroller and Auditor General of India

d) Attorney General of India

Answer. d) Attorney General of India

About the Attorney General of India:

Article 76 is related to the Attorney General of India.

The Attorney General of India is not a member of either House of Parliament. He/she can attend the meeting of both the Houses of Parliament, but can not vote.

The Attorney General of India is the chief law officer of India. It saves the government in the civil case only. 

A person who is eligible to become the judge of the Supreme Court [ five years experience as Judge of the High Court or 10 years of experience as the advocate of the High Court] can become the Attorney General of India.

His tenure is not fixed, he works under the pleasure of the president.

He can also do private practice except against the government case.

About the Comptroller and Auditor General ( CAG) of India:

Article 148 is related to the Comptroller and Auditor General ( CAG).

Comptroller and Auditor General ( CAG) is the eye and ear of public accounts.

Comptroller and Auditor General ( CAG) is also known as the guardian of the public purse as it controls the entire financial system of the country at the Centre and the State level.

He submits the audit report to the President and Public Account Committee ( PAC) to discuss this report in the Parliament.

About the Solicitor General of India:

The Solicitor General of India is not a constitutional post. It is the second highest law officer in the country after the Attorney General of India.

It assists the Attorney General of India.

About Vice President:

The Vice President is the ex officio chairperson of the Rajya Sabha. It means, he is not a member of the Rajya Sabha but has provided extra office in Rajya Sabha.

Article 63 is related to the Vice President of India.

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