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Which of the following ( Articles-Provisions) pair is incorrect?

 Which of the following ( Articles-Provisions) pair is incorrect?

a) Article 161-Power of Governor to grant pardon

b) Article 167- Duties of Chief Minister

c) Article 213- Power of Governor to promulgate ordinances

d) Article 165-Special address by the governor

Answer. d) Article 165-Special address by the governor

Article 161-Power of Governor to grant pardon

Article 167 is related to a special address by the governor.

Article 165 is related to the advocate general of the state.

Article 213- Power of Governor to promulgate ordinances

Important Articles of the Indian Constitution are as follows:

Article 1: India that is Bharat, Union of States

Article 13: Judicial Review

Article 39A: Equal Justice and Free Legal Aid

Article 40: Village Panchayat

Article 43: Living Wage

Article 44: Uniform Civil Code

Article 45: Free and Compulsory Education for Children

Article 50: Separation of Judiciary from Executive

Article 51: International Treaty

Article 51 ( A): Fundamental Duties

Article 61: Impeachment of President

Article 76: Attorney General of India

Article 108: Joint Sitting of Parliament

Article 110: Money Bill

Article 112: Budget ( Financial Annual Statements)

Article 165: advocate general of the state.

Article 280: Finance Commission

Article 315: Public Service Commission

Article 324: Election Commission

Article 338: National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC)

Article 338 A: National Commission for the Scheduled Tribes 

Article 338 B: National Commission for the Backward Classes.

Article 343: Hindi as Official Language

Article 352: National Emergency

Article 356: President Rule

Article 360: Financial Emergency

Article 368: Amendment of the Constitution

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