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Case Study Ethics GS 4 |Nishanth is a socially sensitive, socialist, intellectual, and professor | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2018


Nishanth is a socially sensitive, socialist, intellectual, and professor. Through his articles, speeches, and media, he raises the voice of laborers, minorities, the downtrodden, women, and tribals. A party keeps him in its think tank. In this sequence, he calls the members of civil society, intellectuals, politicians, and officers to get their children admitted to government schools. In the season of admissions, the elite schools are highly criticized for their criteria and their impact on education and Nishant also joins in these criticisms; meanwhile, it comes out that Nishant himself is trying to get his child admitted to an Elite School. People condemn their attitude of Nishant and say that his ‘actions and words are mismatched’.
The question therefore is:
1) Should Nishant get his child admitted to the government school?
2) Should Nishanth leave his intellectual discourse?
3) Should he call his party followers in his favor?
4) Or should he try to get admission of his child to the Elite School?
( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-4/Ethics 2018)


In society, a person is not considered as trustworthy when their action and thinking do not match. Here, Nishant advocates a government school on one side and criticizes the role of elite schools in society, and on the other hand he is trying to recruit his child to an aristocratic school, Nishant's attitude is a question mark on his trustworthiness. 
Maybe, Nishant is not getting his child admission to a government school right now because the situation of a government school is not good yet. To improve the situation of the government school, they call the members of civil society, intellectuals, politicians, and officers to get their children admitted to government schools.

1. Should Nishant get his child admitted to the government school?

If Nishant is advocating for government schools and asking others to get their children admitted to them, then it would be prudent if he also enrolled his own child in a government school. By doing so, his action will be based on his values and it will make him trustworthy in society.

2. Should Nishanth leave his intellectual discourse?
No, he should not leave the intellectual discourse, he should continue the social works as Nishant's intellectual discourse is an integral part of his identity, and his advocacy for social justice is right. Leaving it behind would mean abandoning his beliefs and values, which would not be advisable.

3. Should he call his party followers in his favor?
No need to call party followers as this is not a political issue. It is a question of the trustworthiness of Nishant. He should prove this by matching actions and words. Calling party followers in his favor will make the issue more complex as it will prove that his word is political.

He is free to get the child admission to elite schools, but he should first stop suggesting politicians, intellectuals, and officers to get admission of children to government schools, he should do so transparently and with an awareness of the potential implications for his advocacy work. But as per his values, Nishant should not try to get admission to the elite school.

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निशांत सामाजिक रूप से संवेदनशील, समाजवादी विचार के बुद्धिजीवी एवं प्रोफेसर हैं। वह अपने लेखों, भाषणों और मीडिया के माध्यम से मजदूरों, अल्पसंख्यकों, दलितों, महिलाओं एवं जनजातियों के स्वर को मुखरित करते हैं। एक पार्टी भी उन्हें अपने थिंक टैंक में रखे हुए हैं। इसी क्रम में वे आह्वान करते हैं कि सम्राट जनों, प्रबुद्धों, 

 राजनीतिज्ञों एवं अधिकारियों को अपने बच्चों को सरकारी स्कूलों में प्रवेश दिलाना चाहिए। प्रवेश के महीनों में अभिजात्य स्कूलों के मापदंडों पर बहस होती है और उसकी शिक्षा के हित में आलोचना भी होती है, जिसमें निशांत भी सम्मिलित रहते हैं; किंतु पता चलता है कि वे स्वयं अपने बच्चों को एक अभिजात्य स्कूल में प्रवेश दिलाने हेतु प्रयासरत हैं। अतः उनके इस कृत्य को आलोचना भी होती है। कहा जाता है वे "करते कुछ है और कहते कुछ है" अतः प्रश्न है :

1) क्या निशांत को भी अपने बच्चे को सरकारी स्कूल में प्रवेश दिला देना चाहिए?

2) क्या निशांत को बौद्धिक विमर्श त्याग देना चाहिए? 

3) क्या उन्हें अपने पार्टी के लोगों को अपने समर्थन में खड़ा करना चाहिए?

4) या अपने बच्चे का प्रवेश सभी अभिजात्य स्कूल में करा देना चाहिए। विवेचना कीजिए। 

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