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Characteristics or Nature of Indian monsoon UPSC | Geography of India| UPSC | UP-PCS | State PCS

The Following are the Characteristics or Nature of the Indian monsoon:

  • Monsoon is seasonal in character and rainfall occurs between June and September.
  • Monsoon is controlled by relief.
    • For examples,
    • The Windward side of the Western Ghats gets heavy rainfall and the eastern side of the western ghats get scanty rainfall.
    • Arakal hills and Himalayas deflect the monsoon and cause rainfall in the Indian subcontinent.
  • Rainfall decrease with increasing distance from the sea.
    • For examples,
    • Kolkata rainfall, 119 cm
    • Patna, 105 cm
    • Allahabad, 76 cm
    • Delhi, 56 cm.
  • Break-in monsoon for one or more weeks after having rainfall for a few days. It is caused by Cyclonic depression in the Bay of Bengal sea.
  • Spatial variation of rainfall varies from 12 cm to 400 cm rainfall.
  • Somewhere Flood and somewhere drought.
  • The monsoon is a lifeline for Indian agriculture that supports 1.35 billion people.
  • Not the same rainfall every year.
Try to solve the following questions:
  • Discuss the major characteristics of the Indian monsoon with special emphasis on the causative factors( UPSC 1922)
  • Discuss the recent theories put forward to explain the origin and mechanism of the Indian Monsoon. ( UPSC, 1994)
  • Elucidate the mechanism of the Indian Monsoon( UPSC, 1999)
  • Explain the Origin, Mechanism, and characteristics of the Summer Monsoon in India. ( UPSC 2002)
  • Give a Critical account of the recent theories of the origin of the Indian monsoon with special reference to the Jet Stream Theory. (UPSC, 2006)
  • Discuss the mechanism and origin of Monsoon winds and explain the role of El Nino on Monsoon circulation. ( UPSC, 2008)
  • Discuss the mechanism of the Indian Monsoon (UPSC 2013)
  • Discuss the nature and origin of the Indian monsoon and recent techniques for its prediction. ( UPSC, 2014)
  • Give a reasonable account of the Unusual Pattern of Distribution of Monsoonal rainfall in India. ( UPSC, 2017)
  • Why is the monsoon erratic in nature? Explain. ( UPSC 2019)
  • Explain the origin, progress, and retreat of the Indian monsoon and discuss its impact on the Indian economy. (UPSC 2018, 250 words, 20 marks)
  • Elaborate on the origin of monsoon with reference to thermal and recent concepts. ( UPPSC 2020)

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