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Mushroom Rocks are the typical landforms seen in

 Mushroom Rocks are the typical landforms seen in

a) River Valleys

b) Mountain tops

c) Coastal areas

d) Deserts

Answer. d) Deserts

 Mushroom Rocks are the typical landforms seen in the Desert.

About Mushroom Rocks:

Mushroom rocks are erosional landforms, which are typically found in desert regions.

When wind passes along the rocks, the sand particles erode the portion of rock closer to the surface without affecting the upper portion. This gives the rocks a mushroom-like shape.

Erosional landforms in desert regions:

  • Mushroom rock
  • Deflation Hollow
  • Zeugen
  • Oasis
  • Inselberg
  • Pediplain

Depositional landforms in the desert region:
  • Playas
  • Sand dunes
  • Longitudinal dunes.
  • Transverse dunes

Erosional Landforms in the River Valley:

  • Valleys
  • Potholes and Plunge pools
  • Meandering river
  • Oxbow Lake
  • River Terrace
  • Waterfall
  • Peneplains
Depositional Landforms in the River Valley:
  • Alluvial Fans
  • Flood plains
  • Levees
  • Delta
Depositional Landforms by Glacier:
  • Morain or Glacial Till
  • outwash ground
  • drumlin
  • egg topography basket
  • Eskers

Erosional Landforms by Glacier:

  • Cirque
  • Tarn Lake
  • Horn
  • Arete
  • Hanging valley
  • Valley
Erosional Landforms by Wave[ In Coastal region]:
  • Bay
  • Lagoon
  • Sea cave
  • Sea Arches
  • Stacks
  • Sea Cliff
Depositional Landforms by Wave [ In Coastal Region]
  • Beach
  • Barrier Islands
  • Sands Bars
  • Marshes and swamps

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