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“Kant’s ethics is formalist and rigorist.” Critically examine this view and evaluate the importance of Kantian ethical principles in the moral life. |Ethics | UPPSC GS-4 Mains 2019

“Kant’s ethics is formalist and rigorist.” Critically examine this view and evaluate the importance of Kantian ethical principles in moral life.
 ( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-4/Ethics 2018)


Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was a German scholar and philosopher.
Kantian ethics are more formal and rigid, however, it is not entirely true. Let us discuss both perspectives of Kantian philosophy.

Yes, Kantian ethics is more formal and rigorist:
Kantian ethics is often characterized as formalist and rigorist because it emphasizes the importance of following universal moral principles regardless of the particular circumstances or consequences of actions.

As per Kantian ethics, ethical principles must be based on reason alone, and they should be formulated in such ways that they apply to all rational beings equally. That means the ethical principle of Kant is formal.

Kantian ethics is also rigorist as they do not depend on any particular content or context or consequences.

For example, Kant believed the honesty is a virtue and a universally accepted value. So, one should adhere the honesty irrespective of adverse situations or circumstances. If you do not follow honesty under any circumstances, then your actions will be considered unethical.

No, it is not entirely formal and rigorist:
Kant emphasizes the role of happiness in human well-being, Kant believed that the ultimate goal of morality is the highest good, which comprises both universal values and individual values, therefore, we can say Kantian ethics can not be entirely formal and rigorous. This means, if we ever have to do unethical work for the welfare of all, then we should do it.

Importance of Kantian Ethical Principles in Moral Life:
Kantian ethics is very useful in the case of human rights and social justice as it treats all human beings rationally with respect and dignity.

The duty concept of Kant based on universal ethical values and virtues will reduce the ethical dilemma faced by the individual in daily life.

The sustainability concept of Immanuel Kant gives the concept of universalism and the brotherhood concept. It will make social peace. It is also helpful in solving global problems like climate change, global warming, and terrorism.
However, many philosophers argued that the formalist and rigorist approaches of Kantian ethics lead to moral inflexibility and rigidity, which may result in moral dilemmas and conflicts that cannot be resolved within the framework of Kantian ethics. 

In conclusion, Kantian ethics may be characterized as formalist and rigorist as it emphasizes adherence to universally accepted values and virtues. However, it has many importances as Kantian ethics emphasize the rational treatment of human being, which help in making society just and equal. It emphasizes the values of universal brotherhood. 

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