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Discuss the impact of the quantitative revolution on the scientific development of geography


Discuss the impact of the quantitative revolution on the scientific development of geography.  ( 63rd BPSC, 2019)


Introduction and usage of statistics[ mean, median, standard deviation, etc], mathematical methods[ theory, equation, algebra, etc], and the law of physics[ gravity law, etc] in geography from 1960 to 1970 is called a quantitative revolution in geography.

 The following are the impacts of the quantitative revolution on the scientific development of geography:

The quantitative revolution made geography closer to science as it introduced mathematical tools in geography that developed objectivity and reduce the over descriptive. Geography became well structured and accurate.

The quantitative revolution added scientific values to each branch of geography.

Quantitative revolution and geomorphology:

  • The quantitative revolution helped to understand better landform developments and slope development by using statistical tools such as degrees, rate, etc.
  • It also helped in criticizing the theories that do not follow the physics law. For example, Wegener's continental drift theory was criticized because of its drifting forces. Plate tectonic theory is also not accurate as it is against the physic law.

Quantitative revolution and Climatology:

  • The quantitative revolution helped in the development of climatology by using climate variables data more accurately. For example, standard deviation and mean methods are used to represent the precipitation and temperature of a particular region.

Quantitative revolution and Agriculture geography:

  • Many agriculture theory such as Weaver's crop combination method uses the standard deviation method to represent theoretical thought in more scientific ways.

Quantitative revolution and economic geography:

  • It helped to find out the ideal location to set up the industries. It also helps to optimum route for transport to minimize the transportation cost and maximize the profit.

Quantitative revolution and population geography:

  • QR helped to analyze the population growth and demographics in a more scientific way. Demographic transition theory is one of the best examples.

Thus we can say, the impact of the quantitative revolution is multidimensional on the scientific development of geography.

Try to solve the following questions

  • Discuss critically the manner in which the quantitative revolution provided the methodological foundation for models and modeling in geography. (UPSC 2018, 15 marks)
  • Trace the origin and progress of the Quantitative revolution in geography and bring out its merit and demerits (UPSC 2016, 15 marks)
  • Discuss the impact of the quantitative revolution on the scientific development of geography.  ( 63rd BPSC, 2019)
  • Critically compare quantitative and behavioral revolutions in geography and examine their role in the development of the subject.  ( 64th BPSC, 2019)

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