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Environmental Determinism |Perspectives in Human Geography | Human Geography | Environmental Determinism UPSC |Geography optional notes

Environmental Determinism:

Environmental determinism is one of three approaches to human geography (the others being probabilism and neo-determinism) that explain the relationship between humans and the environment.

As per Environmental Determinism, 
  • The surrounding environment is the main deciding factor in human behavior, and differences in human behavior stem from differences in its environment.
  • Surrounding physical factors like climate, relief, landforms, etc. determine the patterns of human culture, cultural development, social development, and human settlement.

American geographer,  Ms. Ellen Churchill Semple in her book " Influences of Geographical Environment" mentioned environmental Determinism.

Ms. Ellen Churchill Semple's views on environmental determinism:
  • Man is the product of the environment.
    • The habitat types of humans are determined by the prevailing environmental conditions around them. For example, people living in areas with heavy rainfall and snowfall prefer slanted roofs in their homes. Similarly, people living in flood-affected areas prefer to build houses in high-altitude areas.
    • Human activities and habits are determined by the environment.
  • People who live in Mediterranean regions are enthusiastic, happy, and simple
  • The people who live in the mountains are:
    • brave and courageous
    • simple and honest
    • But they are conservative and being conservative, they do not innovate.
    • Generally, the people living in the mountain passes are robbers.
  • People of the plain area:
    • Liberals are innovative, progressive, and quick to adopt new ideas.
    • clever and they fool others but cowards

Another American Geographer, Huntington mentioned Environmental Determinism in his book " The Principles of Human Geography".

Huntington's Views on environmental determinism:

  • Human Behavior is decided by the climate of a particular region.
  • Variation in Civilization supremacy is also bound by climate.
  • Variation in climate leads to variation in the culture.
  • Religion and racial character are the product of climate.
  • A 20-degree temperature is an ideal climate condition for high mental and physical productivity.
    • Northeast USA, UK,  and northwest Europe are the best climates for innovation and living. The industrial revolution started in this region.
  • Ancient civilizations developed in the fertile river valley with favorable climates. For examples :
    • Indus valley civilization flourished on the banks of the Indus river.
    • Mesopotamia Civilization flourished on the banks of the Nile river.
    • Chineses Civilization flourished on the banks of the Yellow River.
  • The attacker attitude of Mongolians developed due to the harsh climate and scarcity of resources in Mangole.
  • People who live in hot, humid, and harsh climates are:
    • lazy, incompetent, timid, suspicious
Views of other geographers and scholars on environmental determinism:
  • Al-Jahiz ( from East Africa), believed that the dark skin of Africans is the result of the prevalent black basalt rocks in the region.
  • An Arab Geographer, Ibn Khaldun believed that the dark skin of people living in Sub-Saharan Africa is caused by the prevalent hot climate in the region.
  • Friedrich Ratzel also supported the theory of Darwin's Origin of Species. He believed that cultural evolution is largely determined by the environment. Friedrich Ratzel has considered the father of determinism thought in geography.
Criticism of Environmental Determinism:
  • Environmental determinism considered humans as passive animals but human is not the passive animal, human can create and change the natural environment. The following way human changes the natural environment:
    • Dam building
    • River linking
    • Artificial Raining
    • Green Revolution
    • Hydroculture, Soilless farming
    • Greenhouse Agriculture
  • The environment is the only deciding factor of human culture/behavior as environment determinism is believed but the same is not true. There can be two ethnic/ race groups in the same location and the same climate. For example, despite having nearly the same climate and environmental conditions in northeastern India, the region is home to many ethnic groups.
  • The same Environment has a different meaning to different people, it is up to people how they are using it. Examples:
    • The locations and Climate of  Israel & Jordan are the same, but Israel is more developed due to innovation and people's attitudes whereas Jordan is lacking in development.
    • Natural and mineral resources are lacking in Japan, however, they are developed.
    • Africa is full of rich natural resources, however, they are poor.

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Try to solve the following questions:

  •  "Ellen Churchill Semple is an ardent supporter of Determinism." Explain. (UPSC 2013, 15 marks)
  • Write short notes on Environmental Determinism.
  • Distinguish between Environmental determinism and possibilism thought of geography.
  • What are Huntington's Views on environmental determinism?
  • Describe Semple's views on environmental determinism.
  • Review the concepts of determinism and possibilism. ( 60-62nd BPSC geography)

Answer the following multiple-choice questions on Environmental Determinism:

1. Which of the following is considered as father or pioneer of determinism in geography?
a) Ellen Churchill Semple
b) Humboldt
c) Carl Ritter
d) Friedrich Ratzel

Answer. d) Friedrich Ratzel was a German geographer and considered the father of determinism in geography.

2. Which one of the following geographers is not a supporter of Environmental determinism?
a) Ellen Semple
b) Huntington
c) Griffith Taylor
d) Ibn Khaldun

Answer. c) Griffith Taylor was a supporter of neo-determinism.

3. Who said, " Human is a product of the Environment"?
a) Ellen Semple
b) Huntington
c) Griffith Taylor
d) Ibn Khaldun

Answer. a) Ellen Semple

4. Which of the following does not deal with studying the relationship between humans and nature?
a) Environment Determinism
b) Neo Determinism
c) Possibilism
d) Climatology

Answer. d) Climatology

5. Who said  "20-degree temperature is an ideal climate condition for high mental and physical productivity " in support of environmental determinism?
a) Ellen Semple
b) Huntington
c) Griffith Taylor
d) Ibn Khaldun

Answer. b) Huntington

6. Which of the following geographer believed that Earth was part of God's plan and central idea of geography should be studied to understand the relationship between humans and nature?
a) a) Ellen Churchill Semple
b) Humboldt
c) Carl Ritter
d) Friedrich Ratzel

Answer. c) Carl Ritter

7. Which one of the following geographers was not a supporter of Environmental determinism?
a) Ellen Semple
b) Huntington
c) Vidal de la Blanche
d) Ibn Khaldun

Answer. c) Vidal de la Blanche

8. Which one of the following geographers described the influence of climate on human occupancy and civilization?
a) Ellen Semple
b) Huntington
c) Vidal de la Blanche
d) Ibn Khaldun

Answer. b) Huntington

9. Which one of the following geographers followed Darwin's theory of natural selection to support environmental determinism?
a) Ellen Churchill Semple
b) Humboldt
c) Carl Ritter
d) Friedrich Ratzel

Answer. d) Friedrich Ratzel

10. Which of the following scholars believed that Africans' dark skin was the result of prevalent black basalt rocks in the region?
a) Ellen Semple
b) Huntington
c) Al-Jahiz 
d) Ibn Khaldun

Answer. c) Al-Jahiz 

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22 April 2022 at 01:31 ×


Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...