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Critically compare quantitative and behavioural revolutions in geography and examine their role in the development of the subject | quantitative vs behavioural UPSC


Critically compare quantitative and behavioral revolutions in geography and examine their role in the development of the subject.  ( 64th BPSC, 2019)


Quantitative and behavioral revolution in geography are two approaches in geography that interpret geography differently and both have played a constructive role in the development of human geography.

Following are some comparisons between quantitative and behavioral revolutions in geography:

The Quantitative Revolution emphasized mathematical tools in geography such as models, statistics, objectification, or generalization, while Behaviorism rejected the quantitative revolution approach because it believed that it would not be correct to represent the relationship between the environment and human beings through models, statistics because of their inter-relationship is very complex and this relationship varies with man and region. For example, tourists see the forest as beautiful whereas businesspeople see the same forest as raw material for industries; and tribal people see the same forest as their home.

The Quantitative Revolution regarded man as an economic man; And believe that man always takes his decision from the point of view of economic gain whereas behaviorism believed that humans take decisions not only from an economic point of view but he uses moral and social values, needs, knowledge, money, etc in their decision making.

The quantitative revolution made geography closer to science and contributed to simplifying geography while behaviorism considered geography as an interdisciplinary subject (science + sociology + psychology) and made geography a complex subject.

Try to solve the following questions

  • Discuss critically the manner in which the quantitative revolution provided the methodological foundation for models and modeling in geography. (UPSC 2018, 15 marks)
  • Trace the origin and progress of the Quantitative revolution in geography and bring out its merit and demerits (UPSC 2016, 15 marks)
  • Discuss the impact of the quantitative revolution on the scientific development of geography.  ( 63rd BPSC, 2019)
  • Critically compare quantitative and behavioral revolutions in geography and examine their role in the development of the subject.  ( 64th BPSC, 2019)
  • Write a note on the Behavioural approach in geography. ( UPPSC, UP PCS, 2019, 10 Marks) 
  • Write short notes.
    • Behavioral Geography (UPSC 2008, 10 marks)
  • Elaborate on the concept  of the mental map (UPSC 2014, 10 marks)
  • The emergence of behavioral geography was due to disillusionment with axioms, on which models were based, and axioms were far removed from reality? Comment (UPSC 1996,15 marks)
  • Describe the Salient features of behavioral geography. ( 66th BPSC)
  •  भूगोल में व्यवहारगत उपागम पर टिप्पणी लिखिए।

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