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Plants and Vegetation [ Botany] [ Science Set 6] | UPPSC Prelims PYQ of Last 30 Years |Important Objective Question Answer, MCQ and QUIZ

 1. Which one of the following is a biodiesel plant? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Guggal

b) Rosha grass

c) Jatropha

d) Java gas

Answer. c) Jatropha;

Biodiesel can be produced from various biodiesel plants, some examples of biodiesel plants are:



Waste Vegetable Oil 



Animal Fat 


2. The plants commonly considered as "Petro crops" are rich in ( UPPSC PYQ)

1. In carbohydrates

2. In Hydrocarbons

3. In protein

4. In Lipids

Select your answer from the given code:

a) 1, 2, and 3

b) 2 and 3

c) 1,3, and 4

d) 2,3, and 4

Answer. b) 2 and 3;

The term "petro crops" typically refers to crops or plants that are used as feedstocks for the production of biofuels or bio-based chemicals.

Here are some examples of petro-crops:



Corn (Maize)


Oil Palm




3. Consider the following statements: ( UPPSC PYQ)

Statement ( A): Cascuta (Amarbel) is an example of a Parasitic Plant.

Reason ( R): It feeds on the leaves of nourishing plants.

Select your answer using the codes given below:

a) (A) and (R) are both correct, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

a) (A) and (R) are both correct, and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

c) (A) is true, but (R) is false

d) (A) is false, but (R) is true

Answer. a) (A) and (R) are both correct, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

Cuscuta is a genus of parasitic plants commonly known as "dodder" or "amarbel." These plants are unique in that they lack chlorophyll and cannot photosynthesize. Instead, they rely entirely on other host plants for their nutrients and water.

4. We obtain chilgoza from the seed of species- ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Pine

b) Palm

c) Cycas

d) Cedar

Answer. a) Pine;

Chilgoza, also known as the "pine nut" or "Indian nut," refers to the edible seeds of certain pine tree species, particularly the Chilgoza pine (Pinus gerardiana). These pine nuts are native to the Himalayan region and are harvested from the cones of the Chilgoza pine tree, which primarily grows in the northern parts of India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

5. The most important stimulant present in tea leaves is ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Caffeine

b) Phenylalanine

c) Brucine

d) Theobromine

Answer. a) Caffeine


Caffeine is a naturally occurring alkaloid.

Caffeine is commonly found in coffee beans, tea leaves, cacao beans (used to make chocolate), and some other plants.

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that can increase alertness and reduce fatigue. It is often used to enhance concentration and energy levels.

Caffeine is a key ingredient in coffee, tea, energy drinks, and some medications. It is also used in various industries, including food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.


Phenylalanine is an amino acid and an essential component of proteins. It has three forms: L-phenylalanine, D-phenylalanine, and DL-phenylalanine.

 Phenylalanine is found in various foods, especially those containing protein, such as meat, fish, dairy products, and nuts.


Brucine is an alkaloid found in the seeds of plants belonging to the Strychnos genus. Its chemical formula is C23H26N2O4.

Brucine is notably found in the seeds of the Strychnos nux-vomica tree.


Theobromine is a xanthine alkaloid.

Theobromine is found in cacao beans and is a component of chocolate and cocoa products.

Theobromine is a mild stimulant and vasodilator, meaning it can relax blood vessels. It is less potent than caffeine and is often associated with the pleasurable effects of chocolate consumption.

6. Seaweeds are an important source of one of the following ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Sulphur

b) Chlorine

c) Bromine

d) Iodine

Answer. d) Iodine;

Seaweeds are a diverse group of marine algae that are found in various aquatic environments, from shallow coastal waters to the deep sea. They are simple, plant-like organisms and are classified within the broader group of non-vascular plants known as algae. Seaweeds are ecologically and economically significant and have various uses and applications.

Seaweeds are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. They are a traditional food source in many coastal regions, particularly in East Asian cuisines like Japanese and Korean, where they are used in sushi, soups, and salads.

7. Match List I to List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: ( UPPSC PYQ)

        List I                    List II

    ( Product)        ( Source)

A. Morphine        1. Bark

B. Asfoetida       2. Root

C. Rubber            3. Fruit

D. Quinine           4. Stem


        A    B    C    D

a)    1    2    3    4

b)    3    2    4    1

c)    4    2    1    3

d)    2    4    3    1

Answer. b)    3    2    4    1;


Morphine is an alkaloid found in the latex sap of the opium poppy plant, Papaver somniferum.

Medical Uses: Morphine is a powerful opioid analgesic used to relieve severe pain. It is commonly used in medicine for pain management, particularly in post-surgical and palliative care settings.


Asafoetida is a resin obtained from the roots of several Ferula species, particularly Ferula assa-foetida.

Asafoetida is used as a spice and flavoring agent in cooking, especially in Indian cuisine. It has a strong, pungent odor and is used in small quantities to enhance the flavor of dishes.

Medicinal Uses: Asafoetida has a history of use in traditional medicine for its digestive and anti-flatulent properties. It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.


Natural rubber is obtained from the latex sap of the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis.

Industrial Uses: Natural rubber is a versatile material with many industrial applications. It is used to manufacture tires, footwear, gloves, latex products, and a wide range of rubber goods.

Properties: Natural rubber has excellent elasticity, resilience, and waterproofing properties, making it indispensable in various industries.


Quinine is an alkaloid derived from the bark of the cinchona tree (Cinchona spp.), native to South America.

Medical Uses: Quinine was historically used to treat malaria due to its anti-malarial properties. It has largely been replaced by synthetic anti-malarial drugs, but it is still used in some cases of drug-resistant malaria.

Beverages: Quinine is used as a bittering agent in some alcoholic beverages, including tonic water, to give them their characteristic bitter taste. Tonic water was originally developed as a way to deliver quinine as a prophylactic against malaria.

8. The chief mosquito repellent is obtained from ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Basil ( Tulsi)

b) Lemon 

c) Margo ( Neem)


Answer. c) Margo ( Neem);

Mosquito repellents can be obtained from various plants and natural sources. Some of the plants are-

Citronella: Citronella is one of the most well-known natural mosquito repellents. It is extracted from the leaves and stems of various species of citronella grass (Cymbopogon) and is used in candles, oils, and lotions.

Lemon Eucalyptus: Lemon eucalyptus oil, derived from the lemon eucalyptus tree (Corymbia citriodora), contains a compound called PMD (para-menthane-3,8-diol), which has been found to be effective as a mosquito repellent.

Lavender: Lavender oil has a pleasant fragrance and is known to repel mosquitoes. It can be applied topically or used in essential oil diffusers.

Peppermint: Peppermint oil has a strong scent that can deter mosquitoes. It can be diluted and applied to the skin or used in candles and sprays.

Neem: Neem oil, derived from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), has insect-repelling properties and is used in various mosquito-repellent products.

Catnip: Catnip (Nepeta cataria) contains a compound called nepetalactone, which is known to repel mosquitoes. It can be crushed and applied to the skin or used in oil infusions.

Rosemary: Rosemary is an aromatic herb that can be burned as incense to repel mosquitoes. It is also used in oil-based mosquito repellent preparations.

Basil: Certain types of basil, such as lemon basil, emit a scent that can help deter mosquitoes. Crushing the leaves and applying them to the skin may provide some repellent effect.

Clove: Clove oil, derived from the buds of the clove tree (Syzygium aromaticum), can be used as a mosquito repellent when diluted and applied topically.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon oil is another natural substance that may help repel mosquitoes. It can be mixed with a carrier oil and applied to the skin.

9. Tapa cloth is obtained from the plants of which one of the following families? ( UPPSC PYQ 2021)

a) Asclepiadaceae

b) Moraceae

c) Graminae

d) Malvaceae

Answer. b) Moraceae

Tapa cloth is obtained from the bark of the Shahtut ( Mulberry) tree which belongs to the Moraceae family. 

Tapa cloth, also known as "bark cloth," is a traditional fabric that has been made and used by various cultures, particularly in the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, and parts of Africa. It is not woven like most textiles but is instead created by pounding or beating the inner bark of certain trees into thin sheets.

Graminae crops are wheat, barley, etc.

10. A clove represents which of the following? ( UPPSC PYQ 2021)

a) Terminal bud

b) Accessory bud

c) Flower bud

d) Vegetative bud

Answer. c) Flower bud;

A clove is made from a flower bud.

11. Fruits stored in a cold chamber exhibit longer storage life, because ( UPPSC PYQ 2021)

a) Exposure to sunlight is prevented

b) Concentration of Co2, in environment is increased 

c) Rate of respiration is decreased

d) There is an increase in humidity

Answer. c) Rate of respiration is decreased

12. After cutting the cucumber if salt is added, then water comes out due to ( UPPSC PYQ 2021)

a) Active transport

b) Passive transport

c) Osmosis

d) Diffusion

Answer. c) Osmosis.

After cutting the cucumber if salt is added, then water comes out due to Osmosis.

Osmosis is a fundamental biological and physical process that involves the movement of solvent molecules (typically water) through a semi-permeable membrane from a region of lower solute concentration to a region of higher solute concentration.

13. Which one of the following is a Biodiesel plant? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Jatropha

b) Java Grass

c) Rosha Grass

d) Guggul 

Answer. a) Jatropha is a Biodiesel plant.

14. Which one of the following is a plant hormone? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Insulin

b) Cytokinin

c) Thyroxin

d) Estrogen

Answer. b) Cytokinin is a plant hormone.

Plant hormones, also known as phytohormones or plant growth regulators, are chemical compounds produced by plants to regulate and control various physiological processes. These hormones play a crucial role in plant growth, development, and responses to environmental stimuli. 

There are several different types of plant hormones, each with its own specific functions:


Auxins are primarily responsible for promoting cell elongation, root development, and apical dominance (the inhibition of lateral bud growth by the terminal bud). They also play a role in phototropism (bending toward light) and gravitropism (responding to gravity).


Gibberellins are involved in promoting stem elongation, germination, flowering, and fruit development. They can also break seed dormancy.


Cytokinins are responsible for cell division, growth of lateral buds, and delaying senescence (aging) in plant tissues. They are often involved in promoting the growth of shoots.

Abscisic Acid (ABA):

Abscisic Acid (ABA) is known as the "stress hormone" because it is involved in plant responses to environmental stressors such as drought, salinity, and cold. It also plays a role in seed dormancy and stomatal closure.


Ethylene is involved in fruit ripening, senescence, and abscission (the shedding of leaves and fruits). It also plays a role in response to mechanical stress and pathogen attack.


Brassinosteroids promote cell elongation, stem growth, seed germination, and resistance to various stresses. They are often considered to be growth-promoting hormones.

Jasmonic Acid (JA):

Jasmonic acid is involved in plant defense responses to herbivores and pathogens. It also plays a role in regulating root growth and development.

Salicylic Acid (SA):

Salicylic acid is associated with plant defense mechanisms against pathogens, particularly in the context of systemic acquired resistance (SAR).

15. Plants accept nitrogen in which form? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Nitrogen gas

b) Nitrite

c) Nitrate

d) Ammonia

Answer. c) Nitrate

Plants accept nitrogen in Nitrate form.

Nitrogen Gas (N2):

Composition: Nitrogen gas consists of two nitrogen atoms bonded together, represented as N2.

Abundance: Nitrogen gas makes up about 78% of Earth's atmosphere, making it the most abundant gas in the atmosphere.

Biological Role: Nitrogen gas is relatively inert and cannot be directly used by most living organisms. It must be converted into other nitrogen compounds through processes like nitrogen fixation.

Nitrite (NO2-):

Composition: Nitrite is a nitrogen compound containing one nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms, represented as NO2-.

Formation: Nitrite can be produced through the oxidation of ammonia (nitrification) or reduction of nitrate (denitrification).

Toxicity: High levels of nitrite in water can be toxic to aquatic life and can also pose health risks to humans when consumed in drinking water or certain foods.

Nitrate (NO3-):

Composition: Nitrate is another nitrogen compound, containing one nitrogen atom and three oxygen atoms, represented as NO3-.

Formation: Nitrate can be produced through the further oxidation of nitrite or as a result of natural processes like weathering of rocks.

Biological Role: Nitrate is an essential nutrient for plants and is often taken up from the soil as a nitrogen source. In excess, it can lead to environmental issues like water pollution and eutrophication.

Ammonia (NH3):

Composition: Ammonia is a compound consisting of one nitrogen atom and three hydrogen atoms, represented as NH3.

Formation: Ammonia can be produced by the breakdown of organic matter, decomposition of urea, or through industrial processes like the Haber-Bosch process for fertilizer production.

Biological Role: Ammonia is an important source of nitrogen for many organisms, including plants and some bacteria. In aquatic ecosystems, it can be toxic to aquatic life at high concentrations.

16.  Which of the following is not correctly matched? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Maize-Tasseling

b) Groundnut -Pegging

c) Chick pea-Tillering

d) Tobacco -Topping

Answer. c) Chick pea-Tillering;


Tasseling is a term commonly used in maize (corn) cultivation.

Description: Tasseling refers to the stage in the growth of maize plants when the male flowers, called tassels, appear at the top of the plant. These tassels release pollen, which is essential for fertilizing the female flowers (ears) of the maize plant.


Pegging is a term often associated with peanut (groundnut) cultivation.

Description: Pegging refers to the process where the developing pods (containing the peanut seeds) of the peanut plant grow downward into the soil. This unique growth pattern allows the pods to mature underground.


Tillering is a term used in the cultivation of cereal crops, such as wheat, barley, and rice.

Description: Tillering refers to the production of additional shoots or stems (tillers) from the base of the main plant. These tillers contribute to the overall growth and yield of the crop, as each tiller can potentially develop into a new stalk with seed-bearing heads.


Topping can be associated with various crops, including tobacco and some fruit trees.

Description: Topping involves the removal of the uppermost growth or terminal bud of a plant. In the context of tobacco, topping is a common practice to encourage the development of larger and more desirable leaves by removing the flowering head or terminal bud. In fruit tree cultivation, topping can be used to control the height and shape of the tree.

17. Which of the following phytohormones is mainly responsible for fruit ripening? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Cytokinin

b) Abscisic acid

c) Ethylene

d) None of these

Answer. c) Ethylene;

Fruit ripening is a complex process regulated by various phytohormones, with ethylene being the primary hormone responsible for initiating and coordinating many aspects of ripening. Here are some key phytohormones involved in fruit ripening:

Ethylene (C2H4):

Role in Ripening: Ethylene is the most important phytohormone in fruit ripening. It acts as a ripening agent by promoting various physiological and biochemical changes in fruits.

Actions: Ethylene stimulates the conversion of starches into sugars, the softening of fruit flesh (by breaking down cell wall components), and the production of aroma compounds.

Production: Fruits themselves can produce ethylene as they begin to ripen. Ethylene production also occurs in response to external stimuli, such as exposure to other ripening fruits or environmental factors like temperature and humidity.

Abscisic Acid (ABA):

Role in Ripening: ABA plays a role in regulating the ripening process, particularly in the control of fruit maturation and the timing of ripening.

Actions: Abscisic Acid can inhibit the synthesis of ethylene, affecting the timing.

18. Turmeric is an example of an underground stem, known as ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Bulb

b) Tuber

c) Corm

d) Rhizome

Answer. d) Rhizome

19. Application of Gypsum provides which of the following elements to the plants? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Phosphorus

b) Sulphur

c) Magnesium

d) Iron

Answer. b) Sulphur

20. Which one of the following is NOT a passive factor of soil formation? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Climate

b) Topography

c) Parent material

d) Time

Answer. a) Climate is NOT a passive factor of soil formation. Climate is the active factor for soil formation.

21. Which one of the following gases is produced during photosynthesis? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Nitrogen 

b) Hydrogen

c) Oxygen

d) Carbon dioxide

Answer. c) Oxygen gases are produced during photosynthesis;

Photosynthesis is the vital biological process by which green plants, algae, and some bacteria convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose (sugar) and oxygen. This process is essential for sustaining life on Earth as it provides the primary source of energy and organic matter for most living organisms. 

Here's an overview of photosynthesis:

Key Steps of Photosynthesis:

Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells and involves several stages:

Light Absorption (Light-Dependent Reactions):

Chlorophyll and other pigments in the chloroplasts absorb light energy from the sun.

This energy is used to split water molecules into oxygen and protons (H+ ions) and to generate high-energy molecules like ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate).

Carbon Fixation (Calvin Cycle - Light-Independent Reactions):

In the stroma of the chloroplasts, carbon dioxide (CO2) is combined with the stored energy from ATP and NADPH.

This process forms glucose and other organic compounds through a series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.

The Calvin Cycle is the part of photosynthesis where carbon is "fixed" from CO2 into organic molecules.

Overall Chemical Equation for Photosynthesis:

The simplified equation for photosynthesis is:

6 CO2 + 6 H2O + light energy → C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6 O2

This equation represents the conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) into glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen (O2), driven by light energy.

Key Points about Photosynthesis:

Location: Photosynthesis primarily occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells, specifically in the thylakoid membranes (light-dependent reactions) and the stroma (Calvin Cycle).

Pigments: Chlorophyll is the primary pigment responsible for capturing light energy. Other pigments, such as carotenoids, help capture different wavelengths of light.

Oxygen Production: Oxygen is released as a byproduct of the light-dependent reactions when water molecules are split, making photosynthesis critical for oxygen replenishment in the atmosphere.

Energy Storage: Glucose and other organic compounds produced during photosynthesis serve as an energy source for the plant. These molecules can be used for growth, reproduction, and as a store of potential energy.

Carbon Cycle: Photosynthesis plays a central role in the carbon cycle, as it removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converts it into organic carbon compounds, which are later consumed by heterotrophic organisms.

22. Select the odd one out of the following. ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Hydrogen

b) Mercury

c) Oxygen

d) Nitrogen

Answer. b) Mercury is not a gas.

23. Three words given below are related to one another in some way: ( UPPSC PYQ)

Potato, Carrot, Radish

Which word in the options is related to the above three given words in the same way?

a) Brinjal

b) Tomato

c) Lady's finger

d) Turnip

Answer. d) Turnip

24. Which of the following groups of organisms has the highest biodiversity? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Fishes

b) Amphibia

c) Mammals

d) Fungi

Answer. d) Fungi

25. Hydroponics is ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Aquatic Plant culture

b) Cultivation of crop plants

c) Soil-free cultivation of plants

d) Growing floating aquatic plants

Answer. c) Soil-free cultivation of plants;

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, where the plants receive all of their nutrients and water through a nutrient-rich water solution. This method allows for precise control over the growing conditions, including nutrient levels, pH, and environmental factors like temperature and humidity

26. Which one of the following acids is present in Apple Fruits? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Formic acid

b) Nitric acid

c) Sulphuric acid

d) Malic acid

Answer. d) Malic acid

Formic acid in ants and honey bees.

Formic Acid (HCOOH):

Formic acid is found naturally in certain insects, including ants, where it gets its name.

It is a colorless, pungent-smelling liquid and is the simplest carboxylic acid.

Uses: Formic acid has various applications, including as a preservative and antibacterial agent in livestock feed, in the textile and leather industries, and as a coagulant in the rubber industry.

Nitric Acid (HNO3):

Source: Nitric acid is typically synthesized through the oxidation of ammonia.

Properties: It is a highly corrosive and strong acid, usually found as a colorless or pale yellow liquid.

Uses: Nitric acid is utilized in the production of fertilizers, explosives, and various chemicals. It is also used in metallurgy for metal etching and cleaning.

Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4):

Source: Sulfuric acid is produced through the contact process, which involves the oxidation of sulfur dioxide to form sulfur trioxide, followed by its reaction with water.

Properties: It is a highly concentrated, strongly acidic, and dense liquid. It is often referred to as the "king of chemicals" due to its extensive industrial applications.

Uses: Sulfuric acid has numerous uses, including as a catalyst in various chemical reactions, in battery manufacturing (lead-acid batteries), and in the production of fertilizers, detergents, and petroleum products.

Malic Acid (C4H6O5):

Source: Malic acid is found naturally in many fruits, particularly in apples and grapes. It contributes to the tartness of these fruits.

Properties: It is a weak organic acid that can be found in both its L-isomer (naturally occurring) and D-isomer (synthetic).

Uses: Malic acid is used as an acidulant and flavor enhancer in the food and beverage industry. It is often added to sour candies, beverages, and processed foods to provide a tart or sour taste.

27. Nitrogen is NOT an essential constituent of - ( UPPSC PYQ) 

a) Chlorophyll 

b) RNA

c) DNA

d) Carbohydrate

Answer. d) Carbohydrate is the combination of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Nitrogen is not found in carbohydrates. 


Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in the chloroplasts of plant cells and is essential for photosynthesis.

Function: Chlorophyll absorbs light energy from the sun and uses it to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (a carbohydrate) and oxygen during the process of photosynthesis.

Importance: Chlorophyll is the molecule that allows plants to capture solar energy and convert it into chemical energy, which serves as the basis of the food chain on Earth.

RNA (Ribonucleic Acid):

RNA is a molecule involved in various cellular processes, including protein synthesis and gene regulation.

RNA serves as a messenger between DNA (genetic information) and ribosomes, facilitating the translation of genetic information into proteins. It also plays regulatory roles in gene expression.

There are several types of RNA, including messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), and ribosomal RNA (rRNA), each with specific functions.

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid):

DNA is the genetic material in most living organisms and carries the hereditary information that determines an organism's traits and characteristics.

DNA stores and transmits genetic instructions from one generation to the next. It serves as a template for the synthesis of RNA, which, in turn, directs protein synthesis and controls various cellular processes.

DNA is a double helix composed of nucleotide units, each containing a phosphate group, a deoxyribose sugar molecule, and one of four nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T).


Carbohydrates are a class of biomolecules that serve as a primary source of energy for living organisms.

Function: Carbohydrates are broken down during cellular respiration to release energy. They also have structural roles in some organisms (e.g., cellulose in plant cell walls) and serve as energy storage molecules (e.g., glycogen in animals and starch in plants).

These biomolecules are central to the functioning of living organisms, with chlorophyll enabling photosynthesis in plants, RNA and DNA governing genetic information and protein synthesis, and carbohydrates providing energy and structural support. Together, they play essential roles in the life processes of all organisms on Earth.

28. Which among the following will be the shape of the pyramid of numbers in a parasitic food chain? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Circular

b) Rectangular

c) Upright

d) Inverted

Answer. d) Inverted;

The inverted pyramid of numbers is a graphical representation of the population structure in a food chain or ecosystem, where the number of individuals at each trophic level is depicted in a way that can appear inverted compared to the conventional pyramid of biomass. In some ecosystems, this inverted pattern can be observed, and it has important ecological implications

29. Which one of the following is an example of non-celluloid fiber? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Jute

b) Rayon

c) Nylon

d) Linen

Answer. c) Nylon;

Celluloid is a synthetic plastic material that was historically used as a base for film and photographic negatives. It is not a natural fiber but a plastic. Natural fibers that are not cellulose-based (cellulose is a component of plant cell walls and is found in fibers like cotton and linen), here are some examples:

Protein Fibers:



Alpaca and Llama Fiber

Cashmere and Mohai



30. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. ( UPPSC PYQ)

            List-I                        List-II

  ( Fungal Genus)        ( Fruiting Bodles)

A. Fusarium specis                1. Pycnidium

B. Collectotrichum species 2. Apothecia

C. Sclerotinia specis                  3. Acervulus

D. Phoma species 4. Sporodochium


            A    B    C    D

a)         4    2    1    3

b)        4    3    2    1

c)        4    1    3    2

d)        3    4    2    1

Answer. b)        4    3    2    1

31. Which of the following is not known as "Micronutrients"? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Calcium

b) Molybdenum

c) Zink

d) Iron

Answer. a) Calcium is a macronutrient of plants.

Plants require a variety of nutrients for their growth and development. These nutrients can be categorized into two main groups: macronutrients and micronutrients.

Macro Nutrients:

Nitrogen (N): Nitrogen is essential for the formation of amino acids, proteins, and chlorophyll. It plays a critical role in plant growth, especially in leafy green parts.

Phosphorus (P): Phosphorus is involved in energy transfer processes, root development, flowering, and fruiting. It is essential for the formation of DNA, RNA, and ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Potassium (K): Potassium is necessary for enzyme activation, photosynthesis, water uptake, and overall plant health. It helps in the regulation of water balance and the opening and closing of stomata.

Calcium (Ca): Calcium is crucial for cell wall formation, cell division, and root development. It also plays a role in cell membrane permeability and nutrient uptake.

Magnesium (Mg): Magnesium is a component of chlorophyll and is involved in photosynthesis. It also activates enzymes needed for carbohydrate metabolism.

Sulfur (S): Sulfur is essential for the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, and some vitamins. It plays a role in plant metabolism and is involved in the formation of disulfide bonds in proteins.

Oxygen (O), Carbon (C), and Hydrogen (H): These elements are essential for the overall structure of organic molecules and are obtained primarily from air and water.

Micro Nutrients (Trace Elements):

Iron (Fe): Iron is essential for chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthesis. Iron deficiency can lead to leaf yellowing (chlorosis).

Manganese (Mn): Manganese is involved in photosynthesis, enzyme activation, and nitrogen metabolism. It also contributes to root growth and development.

Zinc (Zn): Zinc is a cofactor for enzymes and is involved in various metabolic processes, including auxin synthesis and DNA replication.

Copper (Cu): Copper is required for photosynthesis, enzyme activation, and lignin synthesis. It also plays a role in nutrient transport within plants.

Molybdenum (Mo): Molybdenum is essential for nitrogen metabolism and the conversion of nitrate to amino acids within plants.

Boron (B): Boron is involved in cell wall formation, carbohydrate metabolism, and pollination. It is particularly important for the development of reproductive structures in plants.

Chlorine (Cl): Chlorine is involved in photosynthesis and helps regulate the stomatal openings in leaves.

Nickel (Ni): Although needed in very small quantities, nickel is essential for some enzyme activities in plants.

32. Anaerobic respiration is called as- ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Intracellular respiration

b) Molecular respiration

c) Extra molecular respiration

d) Intramolecular respiration

Answer. d) Intramolecular respiration;

Anaerobic respiration is a metabolic process in which cells produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) without the use of oxygen. It occurs when oxygen is limited or unavailable, and it is less efficient at generating energy compared to aerobic respiration, which occurs in the presence of oxygen.

33. The Tulsi plant has medicinal values due to the presence of the following-

a) Inorganic acid

b) Organic acid

c) Phenols and Flavonoids

d) Lithium Bicabonate

Answer. c) Phenols and Flavonoids;

Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum or Ocimum tenuiflorum), is a highly revered medicinal herb in traditional Ayurvedic medicine and other traditional healing systems. It is considered sacred in Hinduism and is often grown in homes and temples. Tulsi is valued for its numerous medicinal properties and health benefits.

Antioxidant Properties: Tulsi is rich in antioxidants, particularly flavonoids, which help protect cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. This antioxidant activity can contribute to overall health and longevity.

Anti-Inflammatory: The phytochemicals in Tulsi have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate various inflammatory conditions and reduce swelling.

Immune System Support: Tulsi is known to enhance the immune system's function, making the body more resistant to infections and illnesses. It can also help in the recovery process.

Respiratory Health: Tulsi is often used in Ayurvedic remedies for respiratory conditions. It can help relieve symptoms of coughs, colds, and bronchitis. Tulsi tea or steam inhalation with Tulsi leaves is commonly used for respiratory relief.

Antibacterial and Antiviral: Tulsi has antibacterial and antiviral properties, which make it effective against various pathogens. It can be used to treat infections, including bacterial and viral infections.

Digestive Health: Tulsi can aid in digestion by reducing bloating, gas, and stomach discomfort. It can also help regulate bowel movements.

Cardiovascular Health: Regular consumption of Tulsi is associated with improved heart health. It may help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and prevent heart diseases.

Diabetes Management: Some studies suggest that Tulsi may help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, making it beneficial for individuals with diabetes.

Mental Health: Tulsi is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and is used to reduce anxiety and promote mental clarity. It may help improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression.

Anti-Cancer Properties: Research is ongoing, but some studies suggest that Tulsi may have anticancer properties due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Skin Care: Tulsi can be used topically for various skin conditions. It has antimicrobial properties that can help with acne, skin infections, and wound healing.

34. Which nutrients are most useful for enhancing oil content in mustard crops? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Calcium

b) Sulphur

c) Zink

d) Iron

Answer. b) Sulphur nutrients are most useful for enhancing oil content in mustard crops;

When mustard crops lack sufficient sulfur, they may exhibit symptoms of sulfur deficiency, including:

Yellowing of younger leaves (chlorosis), which is similar to nitrogen deficiency but often affects the upper leaves first.

Reduced growth and stunted development.

Delayed flowering and poor seed formation.

Reduced oil and protein content in mustard seeds.

To address sulfur deficiency in mustard crops, sulfur-containing fertilizers can be applied to the soil. Common sulfur-containing fertilizers include ammonium sulfate and gypsum (calcium sulfate). Soil testing can help determine the appropriate amount of sulfur fertilizer needed to meet the crop's requirements.

35. Which one of the following plants is called "Doctor of Home"? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Pipal

b) Aomla

c) Neem

d) Banana

Answer. c) Neem

36. Insectivorous plants catch and eat insects to make up for the deficiency of which of the following elements? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Manganese

b) Nitrogen

c) Magnesium

d) Sulphur

Answer.  b) Nitrogen

37. The soil in which insectivorous plants grow is deficient in ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Magnesium

b) Calcium

c) Nitrogen

d) Water

Answer. c) Nitrogen

38. In all bio compounds, the most necessary fundamental elements is ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Sulphur

b) Carbon

c) Oxygen

d) Nitrogen

Answer. b) Carbon

39. Which of the following is not a Natural Polymer? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Wool

b) Silk

c) Leather

d) Nylon

Answer. d) Nylon;

Polymers are large molecules made up of repeating subunits called monomers. They can be found in various forms, both natural and artificial.

Example of Artificial (Synthetic) Polymers are

Polyethylene (PE)

Polypropylene (PP)

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

Polystyrene (PS)



Polyurethane (PU)

Teflon (Polytetrafluoroethylene or PTFE)

Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)

40. Which one of the following is a natural polymer? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Bakelite

b) Silk

c) Kevlar

d) Lexan

Answer.  b) Silk

41. Which is the oldest organism on earth? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Blue-green Algae

b) Fungi

c) Amoeba

d) Euglena

Answer. a) Blue-green Algae;

Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, are a group of photosynthetic microorganisms that are commonly found in various aquatic environments, including freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers, and even some marine habitats. Despite their name, they are not algae but rather a type of bacteria. 

42. Which one of the following needs to be correctly matched? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Yeast:  Fermentation

b) Casein: Milk Protein

c) Aloe Vera: Angiosperm

d) Nepenthes: Parasitic Angiosperm

Answer. d) Nepenthes: Parasitic Angiosperm

43. Nepenthes Khasiana a rare and endangered plant is found in ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Himachal Pradesh

b) Madhya Pradesh

c) Meghalaya

d) Uttar Pradesh

Answer. c) Meghalaya;

Nepenthes khasiana, commonly known as the Khasi Pitcher Plant, is a fascinating carnivorous plant native to northeastern India, particularly in the Khasi Hills of Meghalaya.

44. Turmeric is obtained from which part of the plant? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Root

b) Fruit

c) Flower

d) Stem

Answer. d) Stem

45. The type of fruit in which lychee can be kept is ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Drupe

b) Hesperidium

c) Nut

d) One seeded berry

Answer. a) Drupe

46. Which one of the following underground-grown vegetables is a modified root? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Potato

b) Sweet Potato

c) Bandda

d) Jimikand

Answer. b) Sweet Potato

47. Which of the following is a stem? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Turnip

b) Ginger

c) Carrot

d) Sweet Potato

Answer. b) Ginger

48. Which one of the following spices is a flower bud? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Cumin

b) Clove

c) Pepper

d) Turmeric

Answer. b) Clove

49. Cloves are ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Nodules of stem

b) Nodules of roots

c) Leaves

d) Dried flowers

Answer. d) Dried flowers

50. Saffron is a dried mixture of  ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Leaf and Stem

b) Petals and roots

c) Seed-forming parts of the flower

d) Seeds and buds

Answer. c) Seed-forming parts of the flower

51. In the following pairs of plants and their edible parts, which pair is not correctly matched? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Ginger: Rhizome

b) Onion: Fleshy Leaves

c) Potato: Roots

d) Coconut: Endosperm

Answer. c) Potato: Roots

52. Which of the following parts of potato is edible? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Stem

b) Seed

c) Root

d) Fruit

Answer. a) Stem

53. The characteristic odor of garlic is due to  ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) A Chloro compound

b) A Sulphur Compound

c) A Fluorine compound

d) Acetic Acid

Answer. b) A Sulphur Compound

54. Peeling of onions causes tears as Onion release ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Sulphonic acid

b) Sulfenic Acid

c) Amino Acid

d) Carbolic Acid

Answer. b) Sulfenic Acid

55. The pungency of chili is due to ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Presence of Lycopene

b) Presence of Capsaicin

c) Presence of Carotene

d) Presence of Anthocyanin

Answer. b) Presence of Capsaicin

56. The effective drug for malaria is quinine extracted ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) From the bark of cinnamon

b) From the bark of cinchona

c) With basil leaves

d) From the bark of the catechu tree

Answer. b) From the bark of cinchona

57. In which part of the cinchona plant quinine occurs naturally? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Root

b) Fruit

c) Seeds

d) Bark

Answer. d) Bark

58. The Arteether medicine which is used to cure malaria is obtained from a ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Seeded plant

b) Fungus

c) Bacteria

d) Algae

Answer. a) Seeded plant

59. The drug obtained from the bark of cinchona was used for treating malaria. The synthetic drug that replaced the natural product is ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Chloromycetin

b) Chloroquine

c) Tetracycline

d) Ampicillin

Answer. b) Chloroquine

60. The mulberry fruit is  ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Sorosis

b) Syconus

c) Samara

d) Berry

Answer. a) Sorosis

61. Which one of the following fibers is not a product of a plant stem? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Sunn

b) Hemp

c) Jute

d) Cotton

Answer. d) Cotton

62. Leg hemoglobin is found in ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Human blood

b) Rabbit blood

c) Legume root nodules

d) Chicken blood

Answer. c) Legume root nodules

63. Desert plants have longer root systems because ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) High temperature of the soil stimulates the growth of roots

b) Roots grow in search of water

c) Soil does not contain water, hence becomes compact and presses the roots to grow longer

d) Roots move opposite to the solar heat

Answer. b) Roots grow in search of water

64. The maximum amount of water that plants require is absorbed through the following: ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) From the embryonic zone

b) From the edge point

c) From the elongation zone

d) From roots hair

Answer. d) From roots hair

65. A Hydrophyte is ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) A marine animal

b) An aquatic plant

c) A plant disease

d) A rootless plant

Answer. b) An aquatic plant

66. Which of the following is not correctly matched? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Autotroph: producer

b) Heterotroph: Consumer

c) Saprotroph: Decomposer

d) Herbivore: Secondary consumer

Answer. d) Herbivore: Secondary consumer

67. The use of biologically synthesized nanoparticles is a new eco-friendly technology, which has great potential in cancer treatment. In this technique, plant extracts are used. This plant is: ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Madar

b) Parthenium

c) Paddy

d) Lemon grass

Answer. b) Parthenium

68. Which one of the following is related to soil? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Edaphic

b) Climate

c) Biotic

d) Topography

Answer. a) Edaphic

69. Study of Zoology deals with ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Living animals only

b) Living plants only

c) Both living and dead animals

d) Both living and dead plants

Answer. c) Both living and dead animals;

The study of zoology deals with the scientific investigation of animals and their biology. It is a branch of biology that focuses on understanding various aspects of the animal kingdom, including their structure, physiology, behavior, ecology, evolution, and classification. Zoologists study a wide range of animals, from tiny microorganisms to complex vertebrates, and they seek to answer various questions about animal life

70. Which of the following subjects of the data set is associated with the study of concerning population and humanity? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Ecology

b) Genetics

c) Demography

d) Virology

Answer. c) Demography

71. Which of the following elements is present in Chlorophyll ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Iron

b) Copper

c) Magnesium

d) Manganese

Answer. c) Magnesium

72. Which one of the following gases is essential for the photosynthesis process? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) CO

b) CO2

c) N2

d) O2

Answer. b) CO2

73. Oxygen, which is liberated during photosynthesis, comes from ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Water

b) Carbon dioxide

c) Chlorophyll

d) Phosphoglyceric acid

Answer. a) Water

74. The process by which plants synthesize their food is called ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Osmosis

b) Respiration

c) Photosynthesis

d) Plasmolysis

Answer. c) Photosynthesis

75. Which light is most effective in photosynthesis? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Red

b) Blue

c) Green

d) Violet

Answer. a) Red

76. Which of the following has the maximum efficiency to convert solar energy into chemical energy? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Chlorella

b) Tiger

c) Earthworm

d) Cuscutta

Answer. a) Chlorella;

Chlorella is a genus of single-celled, green microalgae that belong to the division Chlorophyta. These microscopic green organisms are known for their high nutritional value and potential health benefits.

77. Which one of the following does not increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the carbon cycle on Earth? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Respiration

b) Photosynthesis

c) Decay of organic matter

d) Volcanic action

Answer. b) Photosynthesis

78. Which of the following is not a plant hormone? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Cytokinin

b) Ethylene

c) Insulin

d) Jibberlin

Answer. c) Insulin;

Plant hormones, also known as phytohormones, are chemical compounds produced by plants that regulate various aspects of plant growth and development. Each type of plant hormone plays a specific role in coordinating plant responses to environmental cues and internal signals. Here are some examples of plant hormones and their functions:


Auxins are involved in promoting cell elongation, apical dominance (the suppression of lateral bud growth by the terminal bud), and the formation of roots and fruits. They also play a role in phototropism (bending toward light).


Gibberellins are involved in stem elongation, seed germination, flowering, and fruit development. They promote cell division and expansion.


Cytokinins promote cell division and differentiation, delay senescence (aging), and stimulate axillary bud growth. They often work in conjunction with auxins.

Abscisic Acid (ABA):

ABA is involved in regulating various stress responses in plants, including drought tolerance and seed dormancy. It induces stomatal closure to reduce water loss.


Ethylene is a gaseous hormone that influences fruit ripening, senescence, leaf abscission, and responses to environmental stress. It is involved in the triple response to mechanical stress.

Jasmonic Acid (JA):

Jasmonic acid is involved in plant defense responses to herbivores, pathogens, and wounding. It induces the production of protective compounds and proteins.

Salicylic Acid (SA):

Salicylic acid plays a role in plant defense against pathogens. It triggers the plant's systemic acquired resistance (SAR) response.


Brassinosteroids promote cell elongation, seed germination, and resistance to stress. They are involved in various growth processes.

79. Which of the following is a plant hormone? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Insulin

b) Thyroxine

c) Estrogen

d) Cytokinin

Answer. d) Cytokinin

80. How does the plant cell differ from the animal cell? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Mitochondria

b) Cell wall

c) Presence of protoplasm

d) Cell nucleus

Answer. b) Cell wall;

Plant cells and animal cells share many similarities in terms of basic cellular structures and functions, but they also have several key differences. Here are some of the main distinctions between plant cells and animal cells:

Cell Wall:

Plant Cell: Plant cells have a rigid cell wall composed mainly of cellulose. This cell wall provides structural support and protection for the cell.

Animal Cell: Animal cells lack a cell wall. Instead, they are surrounded by a flexible plasma membrane, which defines the cell's boundary.


Plant Cell: Plant cells contain chloroplasts, which are responsible for photosynthesis. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, a green pigment that captures sunlight to convert it into energy.

Animal Cell: Animal cells do not contain chloroplasts and are unable to perform photosynthesis.


Plant Cell: Plant cells typically have one large central vacuole that occupies a significant portion of the cell's volume. The vacuole stores water, nutrients, and waste products, and it helps maintain turgor pressure.

Animal Cell: Animal cells may have smaller vacuoles, but they are not as prominent as those in plant cells. Vacuoles in animal cells play a smaller role in storage and maintain cell volume.

Shape and Size:

Plant Cell: Plant cells are often rectangular or box-like in shape due to the presence of a rigid cell wall. They tend to be larger than animal cells.

Animal Cell: Animal cells are typically round or irregular in shape and are generally smaller than plant cells.


Plant Cell: Plant cells may contain lysosomes, but they are less common and not as prominent as in animal cells.

Animal Cell: Animal cells often have prominent lysosomes, which are membrane-bound organelles containing digestive enzymes.


Plant Cell: Plant cells do not have centrioles, which are involved in cell division (mitosis and meiosis).

Animal Cell: Animal cells have centrioles, which play a role in organizing microtubules during cell division.


Plant Cell: Plant cells are interconnected by plasmodesmata, small channels that pass through the cell walls, allowing for the exchange of water, nutrients, and signaling molecules between adjacent plant cells.

Animal Cell: Animal cells do not have plasmodesmata; instead, they rely on direct cell-to-cell contact for communication.

Energy Storage:

Plant Cell: Plant cells store energy in the form of starch, a polysaccharide, in plastids (including chloroplasts).

Animal Cell: Animal cells store energy primarily in the form of glycogen, a polysaccharide, in the cytoplasm and in the liver and muscles.

81. Which of the following organelles is called the "Powerhouse" of the cell? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Ribosome

b) Mitochondria

c) Cell Membrane

d) Centrosome

Answer. b) Mitochondria;

The "powerhouse of the cell" is a term often used to refer to the mitochondria. Mitochondria are membrane-bound organelles found in eukaryotic cells, which are cells with a well-defined nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.

82. Plasma membrane is built up of  ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Protein

b) Lipid

c) Carbohydrate

d) Both A and B

Answer. d) Both A and B

83. The organism used by Mendel to formulate his classical "laws of inheritance" was- ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Drosophila

b) Snapdragon

c) Garden pea

d) Sweet pea

Answer. c) Garden pea

84. The gas used in the artificial ripening of green fruit is ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Acetylene

b) Ethane

c) Hydrogen

d) Carbon dioxide

Answer. a) Acetylene;

Acetylene and Ethylene gas (C2H4) are commonly used in the artificial ripening of green fruits. Ethylene is a natural plant hormone that plays a key role in the ripening process. When exposed to ethylene gas, many fruits undergo various physiological changes, including softening, color changes, and the production of flavor compounds.

Artificial ripening using ethylene gas is a widely practiced method in the food industry to ensure that fruits reach the desired ripeness level before they are distributed to consumers.

85. "Leopold Matrix" is associated with ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Weather forecasting

b) Disaster Management

c) Environmental Impact assessment method

d) Environmental Law

Answer. c) Environmental Impact assessment method;

The "Leopold Matrix" is a tool used in environmental impact assessment (EIA) and ecological planning to evaluate the potential environmental and social impacts of proposed projects or developments. It was developed by ecologist Aldo Leopold and his colleagues in the mid-20th century and is named after him. The Leopold Matrix is also known as the "Leopold Matrix Method" or simply the "Leopold Matrix."

86. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched? ( 2022)

a) Rayon- Modified starch

b) Aspartame - Synthetic Sweetnener

c) Oxytocin - Hormone

d) Neoprene - Specialized rubber

Answer. a) Rayon- Modified starch

Reyon is artificial silk.

87. Nitrogen is NOT an essential Constituents of ( UPPSC PYQ 2021)

a) Chlorophyll

b) RNA

c) DNA

d) Carbohydrate

Answer. d) Carbohydrate

88. Which organelle is responsible for photosynthesis in plant cells?

a) Mitochondria

b) Chloroplast

c) Ribosome

d) Golgi apparatus

Answer. b) Chloroplast

Mitochondria: cellular respiration

Chloroplast: Photosynthesis

Ribosome: Protein factory

Golgi Apparatus: Protein modification 

89. Which of the following is true regarding Plastids (double-membrane organelles that are found in the cells of plants and algae):

a) Chloroplasts are responsible for the Green color of plant leaves

b) Chromoplasts are responsible for Colors in flowers and fruits

c) Leucoplasts are found in roots.

d) All of the above

Answer. d) All of the above

90. Which Plastid is found largest in the plants?

a) Chloroplasts

b) Chromoplasts

c) Leucoplasts

d) Both A & B

Answer. a) Chloroplasts ;

Chloroplasts: 40 %

Chromoplasts: 35 %

Leucoplasts: 25 %

91. Which plastid is most commonly present in fruits of plants?

a) Chloroplast

b) Chromoplast

c) Leucoplast

d) None of these

Answer. b) Chromoplast: Fruit and Flower

Chloroplast: Leaf

Leucoplast: Roots


92. Which of the following organelles contain their own genetic material and ribosomes?

1. Lysosomes

2. Endoplasmic reticulum

3. Plastids

4. Mitochondria

a) 1,2

b) 1, 3

c) 3, 4

d) 1,2, 3

Answer. c) 3, 4

93. Which of the following is not a type of nutrition in a living organism?

a) Autotrophic nutrition

b) Heterotrophic nutrition

c) Saprotrophic nutrition

d) Inorganic nutrition

Answer. d) Inorganic nutrition is not a type of nutrition in a living organism

94. The "xylem" in plants is responsible mainly for ( UPPSC 2015)

a) Transportation of food

b) Transportation of amino acid

c) Transportation of water

d) Transportation of oxygen

Answer. c) Transportation of water from root to leaves

95. The "Phloem" in plants is responsible mainly for

a) Transportation of food

b) Transportation of amino acid

c) Transportation of water

d) Transportation of oxygen

Answer. a) Transportation of food from leaves to other parts of plants.

96. Which of the following is not a characteristic of prokaryotic cells?

a)  Presence of a well-organized nucleus

b) Lack of membrane-bound organelles

c) Presence of ribosomes

d) Single-celled organisms

Answer. a)  Presence of a well-organized nucleus

97. Cycas, Pinus, and Gingko are the example of ( SSC )

a) Bryophytes

b) Gymnosperms

c) Angiosperms

d) Thallophytes

Answer. b) Gymnosperms

98. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Kingdom Plantae?

a) Presence of Chloroplasts

b) Autotrophic nutrition

c) Presence of cell walls made of cellulose

d) Heterotrophic nutrition

Answer. d) Heterotrophic nutrition

99. Which of the following develops into the shoot during seed germination?

a) Radical

b) Plumule

c) Cotyledon

d) Zygote

Answer. b) Plumule

100. Plants in which group are commonly called algae?

a) Gymnosperms

b) Thallophyte

c) Pteridophyte

d) Bryophyta

Answer. b) Thallophyte

The study of algae is known as Phycology.

Ulva is known as sea salad.

101. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of monocots?

a) Presence of one cotyledon in the seed

b) Parallel venation in the leaves

c) Fibrous root system

d) Production of flowers with four or five petals

Answer. d) Production of flowers with four or five petals

102. Which of the following is a viral disease that affects plants?

a) Anthracnose

b) Black spot

c) Mosaic

d) Rust

Answer. c) Mosaic

103. Who is the father of Botany?

a) Aristotle

b) Jagadish Chandra Bose

c) Theophrastus

d) William Roxburgh

Answer. c) Theophrastus wrote the famous book named " Historia Plantorium", which is a description of about 500 plants. 

104. Who is the father of Botany in India?

a) Aristotle

b) Jagadish Chandra Bose

c) Theophrastus

d) William Roxburgh

Answer. d) William Roxburgh

105. Pomology is the branch of botany that deals with the study of 

a) Flower

b) Fruits

c) Fish

d) Cells

Answer. b) Fruits

106. Floriculture is the branch of botany that deals with the study of 

a) Flower

b) Fruits

c) Fish

d) Cells

Answer. a) Flower


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