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Regional development strategies

A regional development strategy is used to do overall equal development of a region and remove the development disparity of the region.
The following are important points on regional development strategy:
  • Identification of region
  • Mapping and listing of resources available in the region
  • Mapping and listing the problems existing in the region
  • Making policy and planning
  • Evaluating the environmental effects of planning
  • Evaluating the social and political effects of planning
  • Implementation
  • Mid time review
  • Policy and implementation changes based on the mid-time review
  • Feedbacks
  • Impacts Analysis

Identification of region
First need to identify the region, some examples of planning regions  are:
  • Hilly areas planning
  • Coastal areas planning
  • Island planning region
  • Least developed area
  • Economic backward areas such as BIMARU states in India.
  • Social backward areas
  • Flood prone region
  • Earthquake region
  • Landslide region
  • Cyclonic region

Mapping and listing of resources
Listing the resources available in that region; resources may be:
  • Land resources:
  • Fertility check
  • Topography
  • Water resources and location
  • Forest
  • Minerals
  • Energy sources
  • Capital
  • Demographic dividend

Mapping and listing of problems

  • Resources scarcity
  • Locational disadvantage
  • Inaccessibility of port, river
  • Lacking basic infrastructure
  • Environmental problems
  • Population density
  • Unemployability
  • Religious intolerance
  • Social instabilities
  • Low capital formation

Making policy, approach, and planning

  • Short term planning such as 
    • five years plans, 3 years plans, one year plan.
  • Long term planning:
    • 15 years plan, 20 years plan, 50 years plan.
  • The approach can be:
    • Centralized
    • Decentralized
    • Top-down
    • Bottom-up
    • Community participation
    • NGO participation
    • Purely government funded
    • PPP - Public-Private partnership
    • Purely private funded

Evaluation of environmental effects:
Development and environment should have coexisted. We do not want development at the cost of environmental loss. We want development as well as clean air, water, and land. We must evaluate the environmental effects of an outgoing policy regarding regional development.

Evaluation of social and political effects:
We do not want development at the cost of social and political disturbances. Peace in society should not get disturbed and the quality of people in the region must be improved due to economic planning.

If planning policy is good for people and the environment then go for implementation.

Mid-year review:
It is needed to check whether we are going in the right direction or not. List out the problems facing implementation.

Change the Panning and implementation strategies based on the mid-year review:
Based on the mid-year review, change the planning and policy if needed to get the right result.

Get the feedback from:
  • Public
  • Experts
  • NGO
  • Community

Analysis of the impacts:

  • Compare the quality of life of people before and after. Such as HDI.
  • Compare the environment quality before and after.
  • Check inequality and inequality in the region.
  • Check the social, religious, and political improvement.
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14 February 2022 at 13:41 ×

thank u so much...

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...