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Historical Background of Indian Constitution MCQ[ Source M Laxmikant] | Polity MCQ [ SET-1]

 Historical Background of Indian Constitution MCQ

1. East India Company got the exclusive right of trading in India under a charter granted by Queen Elizabeth in:

a) 1559

b) 1600

c) 1601

d) 1602

Answer. B;

The Charter Act of 1600, also known as the Royal Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I, established the East India Company. 

2. In 1765, The East India Company got Diwani rights in Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa, what is the meaning of Diwani right:

a) Right over revenue only

b) Right over Civil Justice only

c) Right over revenue and civil justice only

d) Right over revenue, Criminal justice, and civil justice only

Answer. C;

The Diwani Rights of 1765 granted the British East India Company the authority to collect revenue and administer the civil justice system in the newly acquired territories of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa. This agreement with the Mughal Emperor allowed the company to exercise considerable control over the economic and administrative aspects of these regions.

3. Who was the first to suggest the need for a Constituent Assembly after Independence?

a) Motilal Nehru

b) M N Roy

c) B G Tilak

d) Mahatma Gandhi

Answer. B. M N Roy( a pioneer of the communist movement in India) suggested the need for a Constituent Assembly in 1934 after independence and he also suggested the radical nature of democracy.

4. Which one is not a feature of Regulating Act 1773:

a) It was the first step taken by the British to control and regulate the affairs of the East India Company in India.

b) First time, the British recognized the political and administrative functions of the company.

c) The Regulating Act of 1773 laid down the foundations of central administration in India.

d) It provided for the establishment of the Supreme Court at Madras.

Answer. D. 

The Regulating Act of 1773 provided the establishment of a Supreme Court at Calcutta in 1774; it was comprised of one Chief Judge and three supporting Judges.

5. Which one is not a feature of Regulating Act 1773:

a) Board of Control to manage the political affairs was established.

b) Court of Directors was created to report the revenue, civil, and military affairs in India.

c) It designated the Governor of Bengal as the “Governor-General of Bengal” and governors of Bombay and Madras subordinated to the Governor-General of Bengal.

d) It prohibited the servants of the company from engaging in any private trade or accepting presents from natives.

Answer. A;

Under Pitts, India Act 1784, a Board of Control was established for managing political affairs separately.

6. Which of the following action is also called the “Act of Settlement”

a) Regulating Act of 1773

b) Amending Act of 1781

c) Pitt’s India Act of 1784

d) Charter Act of 1833

Answer. B;

The Amending Act of 1781 was passed to rectify the defects of the regulating act of 1773.

7. Which of the following is not a feature of Pitt’s India Act of 1784.

a) It distinguished between the commercial and political functions of the company.

b) A new body Board of Control was established to manage the political affairs. It empowered the Board of Control to supervise and direct all operations of civil and military government and revenue of the British Possession in India.

c) It established a system of double government.

d) First time, it recognized the political and administrative functions of the Company.

Answer. d. It was the Regulating Act of 1773, that recognized for the first time, the political and administrative functions of the company.

8. Which of the following are important facts about Pitt’s India Act of 1784.

a) For the First time, “the Company’s territories in India” were called the “British possessions in India”

b) Under this act, the British Government was given supreme control over the Company’s affairs and its administration in India.

c) It was the first step towards centralization in British India.

d) Both a & b

Answer. d.

Regulation Act of 1773 was the first step toward centralization in British India.

9. Which act was considered the final step towards centralization in British India.

a) Regulating Act 1773

b) Pitt’s India Act 1784

c) Charter Act of 1833

d) Charter Act of 1853

Answer. c.

The Charter Act of 1833 was the final step toward centralization in British India.

The Charter Act of 1833, also known as the Government of India Act 1833.

10. Which of the following is not a feature of the Charter Act of 1833.

a) It made the governor-general of Bengal the Governor-General of India.

b) Lord William Bentick was the first Governor-general of India.

c) The act deprived the legislative powers of Bombay, Bengal, and Madras.

d) Exclusive legislative powers of British India were given to The Governor-General of India.

Answer. c. the act deprived the legislative power of Bombay and Madras only.

11. Consider the following statements:

i. Laws made under this act were called as Act.

ii. It ended the commercial activities of the East Indian Company and the company became a purely administrative body.

iii. The company’s territories in India were called “in trust for His Majesty, His heirs, and successors”.

iv. Introduce a system of open competition for the selection of civil servants and Indians should not be debarred from holding any post in the company.

Which of the above are features of the Charter Act of 1833.

a) i, ii, iii only

b) ii, iii, iv only

c) i, iii, iv only

d) All

Answer. d.

12. Which of the following was the first Governor-General of Bengal;

a) Warren Hasting

b) William Bentick

c) Lord canning

d) Lord Dalhousie

Answer. a.

The list of Governors-General of Bengal during the period of British rule in India were:

Warren Hastings (1773-1785)

John Macpherson (1785)

Sir John Shore (Lord Teignmouth) (1793-1797)

Sir Alured Clarke (1798-1801)

Sir George Barlow (1805-1807)

Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound (Lord Minto I) (1807-1813)

Marquess of Hastings (Lord Hastings) (1813-1823)

John Adam (acting, 1823-1824)

William Amherst (Lord Amherst) (1823-1828)

William Butterworth Bayley (acting, 1828)

Lord William Bentinck (1828-1835)

13. Which of the following was the first Governor-General of India;

a) Warren Hasting

b) William Bentick

c) Lord canning

d) Lord Dalhousie

Answer. b;

List of Governor General of India were:

Lord William Bentinck (1828-1835)

Charles Metcalfe (acting, 1835)

Lord Auckland (1836-1842)

William Wilberforce Bird (acting, 1842)

Lord Ellenborough (1842-1844)

William Wilberforce Bird (acting, 1844)

Lord Hardinge (1844-1848)

Lord Dalhousie (1848-1856)

Viscount Canning (1856–1858)

14. Which of the following was the last Governor-General of India;

a) Warren Hasting

b) William Bentick

c) Lord canning

d) Lord Dalhousie

Answer. c

15. Which of the following was the first Viceroy of India;

a) Warren Hasting

b) William Bentick

c) Lord canning

d) Lord Dalhousie

Answer. c;

After the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and the transfer of power from the East India Company to the British Crown, the title of the position changed from Governor-General to Viceroy of India:

The list of the Viceroy of India was:
Viscount Canning (Viceroy, 1858–1862)
Charles John Canning (Viceroy, 1858–1862)
Lord Elgin (1862–1863)
Lord Lawrence (1864–1869)
Marquess of Mayo (1869–1872)
Lord Northbrook (1872–1876)
Lord Lytton (1876–1880)
Lord Ripon (1880–1884)
Marquess of Dufferin and Ava (1884–1888)
Lord Lansdowne (1888–1894)
Marquess of Elgin (1894–1899)
Victor Bruce (acting, 1899)
Marquess of Curzon of Kedleston (1899–1905)
Lord Ampthill (acting, 1904)
Earl of Minto (1905–1910)
Lord Hardinge of Penshurst (1910–1916)
Lord Chelmsford (1916–1921)
Earl of Reading (1921–1926)
Lord Irwin (1926–1931)
Freeman Freeman-Thomas (acting, 1931)
Earl of Willingdon (1931–1936)
Lord Linlithgow (1936–1943)
Archibald Wavell (Viceroy, 1943–1947)
Lord Mountbatten (Viceroy, 1947)

16. Which of the following activities, for the first time, the legislative and executive functions of the Governor-General’s council were separated out?

a) Pitts’s India Act of 1784

b) Charted Act of 1833

c) Charted Act of 1853

d) Government of India Act of 1857

Answer. c.

Under the Charted Act of 1853, a Separate government Governor-General’s legislative council also known as the Indian(Central) legislative council was established.

17. Which of the following is not a feature of Charted Act 1853?

a) It introduced an open competition system of selection and recruitment of civil servants.

b) It extended the company rule but did not specify any particular time.

c) It introduced first-time local representation in the Indian(Central) legislative council

d) It abolished the commercial body, the Court of Directors of the company.

Answer. d.

18. The Macaulay committee was appointed in 1854 and it is related to the?

a) Education reform

b) Social reform

c) Indian Civil Service

d) Political reforms

Answer. c) Indian Civil Service

The Macaulay Committee, officially known as the Committee on the Indian Civil Service, was appointed in 1854 by the British East India Company to review and recommend reforms to the education system in India. 

19. Which of the following is not a feature of the Government of India Act of 1858

a) It changed the designation of Governor-General of India to Viceroy of India.

b) It abolished the Board of Control and Court of Directors and ended the double government.

c) It established the secretary of state with 25 members council.

d) None

Answer. c. 15 members council.;

20. Which of the following acts made the first attempt to associate Indians with the law-making process?

a) Charted Act 1853

b) Government of India Act 1858

c) The Indian Council Act of 1861

d) Government of India Act 1909

Answer. c. the Indian Council Act of 1861

In 1862, Lord Canning nominated three Indians to the legislative council and that was Sir Dinkar Rao, the Raja of Banaras, and the Maharaja of Patiala.

21. Which of the following acts initiated the process of decentralization by restoring the legislative powers to Bombay and Madras presidencies?

a) Charted Act 1853

b) Government of India Act 1858

c) The Indian Council Act of 1861

d) The Indian Council Act 1892

Answer. c.

22. Which of the following year Lord Canning established the “portfolio” system.

a) 1858

b) 1859

c) 1861

d) 1862

Answer. b, portfolio system was established in 1859 but it was formally recognized by the Indian Council Act of 1861.

23. Which of the following acts empowered the Viceroy to issue ordinances?

a) Government of India Act 1858

b) The Indian Council Act of 1861

c) The Indian Council Act 1892

d) Government of India Act 1909

Answer. b;

24. Which of the following acts empower the discussion of the budget in the legislative councils

a) Government of India Act 1858

b) The Indian Council Act of 1861

c) The Indian Council Act 1892

d) Government of India Act 1909

Answer. c;

The Indian Council Act of 1892, empowered them to discuss the budget and address questions to the executives.

25. Which of the following acts made a limited and indirect provision for the use of the election for filling up some non-official seats both in the central and provincial legislative councils?

a) Government of India Act 1858

b) The Indian Council Act of 1861

c) The Indian Council Act 1892

d) Government of India Act 1909

Answer. c.

However the word” election “ was not mentioned in the Indian Council Act of 1892.

26. Which of the following is known as the “Father of communal Electorate”

a) Lord Dalhousie

b) Lord Minto

c) Lord Morley

d) Ramsay Mac Donald

Answer. b;

Lord Minto legalized communalism in India in the 1909 act by introducing a separate electorate for Muslims.

The "Father of Communal Electorate" is often attributed to Lord Minto, the then Viceroy of India. Lord Minto introduced the concept of separate electorates based on religious communities through the Indian Councils Act of 1909, also known as the Minto-Morley Reforms.

The introduction of separate electorates allowed different religious communities, such as Hindus and Muslims, to vote for their own representatives in legislative councils. It contributed to the criminalization of politics in India, as it led to a greater focus on religious identity in the political arena.

27. Which of the following is known for the “Father of Communal Award”

a) Lord Dalhousie

b) Lord Minto

c) Lord Morley

d) Ramsay Mac Donald

Answer. d. In August 1932, the British Prime Minister announced a separate electorate for minorities and depressed classes. The action was known as the Communal Award.

The "Father of Communal Award" is associated with Ramsay MacDonald, who was the British Prime Minister at the time. The Communal Award was a decision made by the British government in 1932, as part of the larger constitutional reforms in India.

The Communal Award extended the principle of separate electorates, which had been introduced earlier, to various religious and social groups in India. It aimed to provide representation to marginalized communities such as Dalits (formerly known as "untouchables") by reserving seats for them in legislative bodies.

 It intensified communal divisions and politics, as it strengthened the role of religious and caste identities in Indian politics.

28. Which act allowed the provincial legislative council to have a non-official majority?

a) Council Act 1892

b) Morley-Minto Act 1909

c) Government of India Act of 1919

d) Government of India Act of 1935

Answer. b;

The Government of India Act 1892 increased the number of non-official members in both provincial and central legislative councils.  Morley-Minto Act 1909 allowed the majority of the non-official majority in the provincial council but retained the official majority in the central legislative council.

29. Which one of the following is the first Indian to join the Viceroy’s Executive Council?

a) Raja of Banaras

b) Maharaja of Patiyala

c) Sir Dinkar Rao

d) Satyendra Prasad Sinha

Answer. d.

Satendra Prasad Sinha was appointed as the law member of the Viceroy Council.

30. Which of the following acts introduced a “Separate Electorate for Muslims?

a) Council Act 1992

b) Morley-Minto Act 1909

c) Government of India Act of 1919

d) Government of India Act of 1935

Answer. b;

The 1909 act legalized communalism and Muslim members can be elected by Muslims only.

31. Consider the following statements regarding the Government of India Act 1919.

i. It demarcated the central and provincial subjects separately and relaxed the central control over provinces.

ii. It established the 2-ties governing system in India by separating out the central and provincial subjects.

iii. Provincial subjects were further divided into two parts; Transferred and reserved.

iv. Transferred subjects were administered by the governor with the aid of the executive council without being responsible to the legislative council.

v. Reserved subjects were administered by the governor with the aid of ministers responsible to the legislative council.

Which of the above statements is/are true regarding the Government of India Act 1909.

a) i,ii, 

b) i,iii

c) i,iii, iv, v 

d) All

Answer. b;

The governing system was centralized and unitary only.

Reserved subjects were administered by the governor with the aid of the executive council without being responsible to the legislative council.

Transferred subjects were administered by the governor with the aid of ministers responsible to the legislative council.

32. Which of the following Acts introduced the dual scheme of governance “dyarchy”

a) Pitt’s Indian Act 1784

b) Government of India Act 1909

c) Government of India Act 1919

d) Government of India Act 1935.

Answer c. Dyarchy was introduced by the Government of India Act 1919 but the governing system was largely unsuccessful.

33. Which of the following acts introduced the first time bicameralism( Upper House and lower house) and Direct election in India?

a) Pitt’s Indian Act 1892

b) Government of India Act 1909

c) Government of India Act 1919

d) Government of India Act 1935.

Answer. c;

The 1919 Act also enabled 3 out of 6 members of the Viceroy’s executive council should be Indian.

It also extended the separate electorate for Sikhs, Indian Christians, Anglo-Indians, and Europeans.

It granted the limited franchise.

34. Which of the following was not the basis of the limited franchise under the Government of India Act 1919?

a) Education

b) Property

c) Tax

d) Gender

Answer. d. Gender was not the basis.

35. The new office, High Commissioner for India in London was created by which Act?

a) Pitt’s Indian Act 1784

b) Government of India Act 1909

c) Government of India Act 1919

d) Government of India Act 1935.

Answer. c;

36. Which act provided the establishment of a public service commission in India?

a) Government of India Act 1857

b) Government of India Act 1909

c) Government of India Act 1919

d) Government of India Act 1935.

Answer. c;

Central Public Service Commission was set up in 1926.

37. Which of the following activities, for the first time, separated the provincial budget from the central Budget?

a) Council Act 1892

b) Government of India Act 1909

c) Government of India Act 1919

d) Government of India Act 1935.

Answer. c;

38. Which of the following is also known as a statutory commission?

a) Macaulay committee

b) Wood Committee

c) Simon Commission

d) None

Answer. c. 

Simon Commission was constituted in November 1927 and the committee submitted the report in 1930.

39. How many members were in the Simon Commission?

a) 5

b) 7

c) 15

d) 17

Answer. b;

40. Which of the following proposals was not made by the Simon Commission:

a) Abolition of dyarchy.

b) Responsible government in provinces.

c) Discontinuation of the communal electorate.

d) Establishment of a federation of British India and Princely states.

Answer. c.

They proposed the continuation of the communal electorate

The "Communal Award" was a significant decision made by British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald in 1932. It was a response to the demands of various communities in India for separate electorates and representation based on religious and social groups. 

41. In which year, the Communal Award was awarded by British Prime Minister, Ramsay MacDonald

a) 1927

b) 1930

c) 1932

d) 1934

Answer. c; 1932

42. As per the Government of India Act 1935, there were three lists, Federal List, Provincial List, and concurrent List. The federal list had how many items?

a) 54

b) 59

c) 36

d) 65

Answer. b;

Federal List: 59 items

Provincial List: 54 items

Concurrent List: 36 items

43. As per the Government of India Act 1935, the residuary power was given to 

a) Queen of Britain

b) British Parliament

c) Viceroy

d) Central Legislative 

Answer. c; Viceroy.

44. Which of the following is not true regarding the Government of India Act 1935

a) It abolished the dyarchy in the provinces.

b) The province’s autonomy was given in a defined sphere. However, the governor was not required to act with the advice of the provincial minister.

c) Provincial autonomy came into force in 1937 and was discontinued in 1939.

d) It introduced bicameralism in six out of eleven provinces.

Answer. b;

Province’s autonomy was given in a defined sphere and the governor was required to act on the advice of ministers.

Six provinces; Bengal, Bombay, Madras, Bihar, Assam, and United Provinces.

45. Consider the following statement regarding the Government of India Act 1935;

i. Federal subject was divided into reserved and transferred subjects.

ii. It extended communal representation by providing a separate electorate for the depressed class, women, and labor.

iii. It abolished the Council of India which was established under the Government of India Act 1858.

Which of the above is/are true regarding the Government of India Act 1935?

a) I only

b) I, ii only

c) Ii, iii only

d) I, ii, iii only

Answer. d; all true.

46. Consider the following statement regarding the Government of India Act 1935;

i. About 20 % of the total population got the voting right

ii. Reserve Bank of India established

iii. It provided the establishment of the Federal Public Commission, Provincial Public Commission, and Joint Public Service Commission

iv. It provided the establishment of the Federal Court

Which of the above is/are true regarding the Government of India Act 1935?

a) i,ii, iii

b) ii, iii

c) ii, iii, iv

d) All

Answer. c;

About 10 % of voting right was provided

Federal Court was established in 1937.

47. On which day, the British Prime Minister Clement Atlee declare that British rule in India would end by June 30, 1948?

a) February 10, 1946

b) February 20, 1946

c) February 20, 1947

d) June 3, 1947

Answer. c; on 20 February 1947.

On June 3, 1947, the British government reiterated the ending of British rule.

48. The last Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten put a plan also known as the Mountbatten Plan or Partition Plan on which date?

a) June 3, 1946

b) June 30, 1946

c) June 3, 1947

d) June 30, 1947

Answer. c; June 3, 1947, Partition plan.

The Mountbatten Plan, officially known as the "Mountbatten Plan for Indian Independence," was a proposal presented by Lord Louis Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of India, to address the political deadlock and accelerate the process of India's independence from British rule. 

49. Match the following members and portfolios held in the Interim Government (1946)


1. Jawahar Lal Nehru

2. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

3. Dr Rajendra Prasad

4. Dr John Mathai

List-II( Portfolio Held)

I. Home, Information & Broadcasting

II. External Affairs & Commonwealth

III. Industries & Supplies

IV. Food & Agriculture

1 2 3 4

a) I    II III IV

b) II   I IV III


d) II   III IV I

Answer. b;

50. Match the following members and portfolios held in the Interim Government (1946)


1. Jagjivan Ram

2. Sardar Baldev Singh

3. C. H Bhabha

4. Liaquat Ali Khan

List-II( Portfolio Held)

I. Finance

II. Works, Mines & Power

III. Defence

IV. Labour

        1 2 3 4

a) I    II III IV

b) II   I IV III


d) II   III IV I

Answer. c

51. Match the following members and portfolios held in the Interim Government (1946)


1. Asaf Ali

2. C. Rajagopalachari

3. Ghaznafar Ali Khan

4. Joginder Nath Mandal

List-II( Portfolio Held)

I. Law

II. Health

III. Education & Arts

IV. Railways & Transport

1 2 3 4

a) I    II III IV

b) II   I IV III


d) II   III IV I

Answer. c;

52. Match the following members and portfolios held in the First Cabinet of Free India (1947)


5. Jawahar Lal Nehru

6. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

7. Dr Rajendra Prasad

8. Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad

List-II( Portfolio Held)

I. Home, Information & Broadcasting

II. External Affairs & Commonwealth Relation, Scientific research

III. Education

IV. Food & Agriculture

1 2 3 4

a) I    II III IV

b) II   I IV III


d) II   III IV I

Answer. b;

53. Match the following members and portfolios held in the First Cabinet of Free India (1947)


1. Dr John Mathai

2. Shanmugham Chetty

3. B.R Ambedkar

4. Jagjivan Ram

List-II( Portfolio Held)

I. Labour

II. Law

III. Finance

IV. Railways & Transport

1 2 3 4

a) I    II III IV

b) II   I IV III


d) II   III IV I

Answer. c;

54. Match the following members and portfolios held in the First Cabinet of Free India (1947)


1. C. H. Bhabha

2. Rafi Ahmed Kidwai

3. Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherji

4. V.N Gadgil

List-II( Portfolio Held)

I. Works, Mines & Power

II. Industries & Supplies

III. Communication 

IV. Commerce 

        1 2 3 4

a) I    II III IV

b) II   I IV III


d) II   III IV I

Answer. c;

55. By which one of the following Acts was created by the Federal Court in India? (UPPSC 2014)

a) Indian Council Act, 1861

b) Government of India Act, 1909

c) Government of India Act, 1919

d) None of the above

Answer. d.

Federal Court in India was created in 1937 by the Government of India Act, of 1935.

Indian Council Act, 1861: Ordinance power of Governor.

Government of India Atc, 1909: Separate electorate for Muslims.

56. The "Cabinet mission" of 1946 was led by:

a) Sir Pethick  Lawrence

b) Lord Linlithgow

c) Lord Wavell

d) Sir John Simon

Answer. a) Sir Pethick  Lawrence

57. Which of the following Acts of British India Strengthened the Viceroy's authority over his executive council by substituting the "portfolio" or "departmental" system for corporate functioning? (UPPSC 2021)

a) Indian Council Act, 1861

b) Government of India Act, 1858

c) Indian Council Act, 1892

d) Indian Council Act, 1909

Answer. a) Indian Council Act, 1861

58. By which one of the following Acts was created by the Federal Court in India?

a) Indian Council Act, 1861

b) Government of India Act, 1909

c) Government of India Act, 1919

d) None of the above

Answer. d.

  • Federal Court in India was created in 1937 by the Government of India Act, of 1935.
  • Indian Council Act, 1861: Ordinance power of Governor.
  • Government of India Atc, 1909: Separate electorate for Muslims.
  • Government of India Act, 1919: Dyarchy in the provincial government. Dyarchy means the rule of two individuals on the executive. Provincial subjects were divided into two subjects; reserve[ governor and council of the minister] and transferred[ elected members of legislative council].

59. Mountbatten plan becomes the basis for; (UPPSC 2013)

a) Continuity of British rule

b) Transfer of power

c) Partition of the country

d) Solution of communal problems

Answer. c) Partition of the country; June 1947.

60. Which of the following Acts of British India Strengthened the Viceroy's authority over his executive council by substituting the "portfolio" or "departmental" system for corporate functioning? (UPPSC 2021)

a) Indian Council Act, 1861

b) Government of India Act, 1858

c) Indian Council Act, 1892

d) Indian Council Act, 1909

Answer. a) Indian Council Act, 1861

61. By which of the following Acts, the system of the "Chamber of Princes" with 120 members was created? (UPPSC-2023)

a) Act of 1919

b) Act of 1793

c) Act of 1909

d) Charter Act of 1853

Answer. a) Act of 1919

62. By which one of the following Acts was created by the Federal Court in India? ( UPPSC 2014)

a) Indian Council Act, 1861

b) Government of India Act, 1909

c) Government of India Act, 1919

d) None of the above

Answer. d.

Federal Court in India was created in 1937 by the Government of India Act, of 1935.

Indian Council Act, 1861: Ordinance power of Governor.

Government of India Atc, 1909: Separate electorate for Muslims.

Government of India Act, 1919: Dyarchy in the provincial government. Dyarchy means the rule of two individuals on the executive. Provincial subjects were divided into two subjects; reserve[ governor and council of the minister] and transferred[ elected members of legislative council].

63. The Indian Independence Bill received Royal Assent on ( UPPSC 2014)

a) 18th July 1947

b) 19th July 1947

c) 20th July 1947

d) 21st July 1947

Answer. a. 18th July 1947.

The Indian Independence Bill received the Royal Assent on 18th July 1947 after Mountbatten Plan [3rd June 1947]

556 states decided to merge with India.


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29 September 2022 at 10:15 ×

Question Number 31 is of Government of India Act 1919.. not 1909

13 August 2023 at 09:00 ×

This file is not functioning...
Does anyone have solution to this..??🙏🙏
